04 May 2007

some details on the laptop affair

just so everybody knows what to do and whom with:

i flew alaska airlines from san francisco through los angeles to mexico city and i checked my very old but cute laptop under the plane.

i have done this to various other countries with no negative results.

as soon as i picked up my bag in mexico i knew something was wrong and immediately opened it to find the laptop gone but the nice indian ba pooja had given me to be intact (that is, still falling apart). i filed a report before going out to say good morning to jesica and have since called once and of course there is nothing to be followed upon.

another interesting twist was there was a note from some company contracted by the US Transportation Security Agency saying they had searched my bag (in SF). so maybe they took it.

or maybe it had written enough books and thesis of various humans and willed itself to some sort of elysian field of skinny shiny mobile computation.
so dont check your expensive stamp collection or anything on a plane to mexico especially if you're inuit: jessica and erik shake their heads between mangoid offerings and note how five friends in the last year have been similarly "equalized" as it were in the grand game of possession and detachment.

pilgrims be ware.


everything has of course been happening at once and i have very little inclination for internet cafes but here i am working on the Ora World Mandala and jesica between planning her wedding and giving gringo tours is translating the O Bigode into mexican slang and today I'm meeting with peasants and teachers and eventually the famous non-existent Other Side trying to learn more about the uprisings in Oaxaca and Vera Cruz and it's increasingly clear to me -- every day more, and it's never going to stop methinks -- how land reform has always been and will continue to be the focal point of what we need to make this a world fit for humans and plants alike.

so that's what I'm going to do.

love ankur and with contact information dont forget.

magic mexiphone through june 7th: +52 (1) 55 24 39 03 70
ground line: +52 55 50 25 34 12

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