10 May 2007

dia de la madre, may 10

this is how it can be done. just a point of cultural comparison, mas alla del huitlacoche and incessant traffic (of all kinds, naturally).

today is mother's day. may 10th. a national holiday giving all women a paid holiday and everybody else a half day off. everyone recommends not going out as if their would be riots, because of the incredilbe amount of happy smiling mothers out eating and buying things and whatnot.

so, happy mothers day everyone. there is a monument to the mother in the middle of mexico city, huge and alongside a concrete plaza where protesting farmers camp and prostitutes ply their wares. its not frequented much from what i can tell and i'd go out to check today but im too afraid to leave the house.


magic mexiphone through june 7th: +52 (1) 55 24 39 03 70
ground line: +52 55 50 25 34 12
because elephants are vegetarian.

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