20 April 2006

Post from Not-Ankur, otherwise known as Ammu/Mali/Malavika, that Ankurbhaiya asked me to post

Ank and Neilu are lying on the bed reading the Code Book by Simon Singh, i think. they are beautiful.

I am backwards on a chair, the cool way to sit, also the easiest way to remind myself to keep my back straight, typing and grooving to Ank's r-Evolutionary Love and Angst CD. It's the first hip hop i've heard since i've been in mangolandia. i'm not sure i'm actually here right now. maybe thats because of the imaginary bonghits we did this morning when we climbed up Mt. Anangan and sat in the sacred grove. only later did i remember its 4/20. go, you mountain madness, flying us high. remember folks, this is the hill onto which medicinal herbs dropped off of that big ass piece of mountainous business that Hanuman carried across to Lakshman to save his life (he carried the whole thing cuz he was a silly monkey who was big and strong and pretty damn funny and clever but didnt know how to identify this healing plant)

Today i love amerika. K and all. i described to ank and neilu my nostalgia for hippie bougie packaged health food, people walking down the street in whatever they want to wear and not being EvilVibed at, TV shows about a woman president who does things like just the bomb (i dont know anything about it, just what my aunt told me last week when she visited from missisipi).
and the hip hop. how i FREAKING miss the hip to the hop. or as brazil would say, hippy hoppy.

but i'm not in amerika. i'm in The India.

if you want to know what that is, come and visit. but you can only stay for two days, especially if you're male and like dosas. my grandma is 80, and still kicking it strong, so allow her to be overbearing and not always up to the hospitality she so wishes to force upon you. (thats mostly a note to myself, oh variety of readers, yes all of you, oh graham and venumama.)

so dont come yet, maybe, come when we've got the shanti sena up and hiking.

what is shanti sena, you ask? oh ho hoho, my little friends, i shake my head at your sweet ignorance of what every cell in you already Knows. That you are a soldier, and that your artillery lies in your heart chakra, waiting to be fired flowered.

more next time. sleep. Now.

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