15 March 2007

Notes from the Monsoon Hotel

Last July in a small village in Kerala, Amerikan-born guitarist Mateo
Coffman sported the occasional moustache and (traditional) mini-skirt,
"meditated his ass off", and played a series of candle-lit one-hour
concerts to the supporting symphony of monsoonal insect life.

I have those on digital media and as soon as I'm not tone-deaf, I'm
going to publish them. But 2012 might be a longer way off than the
collective consciousness imagines, so in honor of a successful return
from colombia (existence is success, we hope), we're throwing a
concert for Mateo.

Notes from the Monsoon Hotel
voice and acoustic guitar of mateo coffman

March 29th, 2007
Grand Space Community Center
778 Bergen St, Brooklyn.

donations (to various parties) will be accepted

He's often a shy and frustrating young man and this is his first
public North American appearance in what is clearly his appointed
career. So come.

I'm also in town for just a couple of days (the on to Sequim, WA) and
thought this would be a good opportunity to hang out with people I
might not ordinarily see. Come early and stay late and we can set up
together, chill, dance, etc.

Please contact the Grand Space concert director, Jamie Murphy, with
any questions; jamie.murphey@gmail.com

Tell All Yer Friends.

one love,

because elephants are vegetarian.

because elephants are vegetarian.

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